Lunchin’ like a boss. Some people think that when you ditch the animal products, you ditch comfort foods like fully loaded, stacked, sandwiches. That couldn’t be farther from the truth – you just have to get a little creative!
After an intense work out session, or to throw together a quick lunch on the go this “STACKED SAMMIE” will not disappoint – and it’s super easy to make!

Ingredients: -Two slices of sprouted Ezekiel flaxseed bread -1 Hilary’s Eat Well “Hemp + Greens” Patty -Kite Hill’s “Chive Cream Cheese” spread (try not to eat the entire container..) -Sliced tomato -Diced red onion -Spinach -Olive oil -Pink salt and fresh ground pepper
Directions: 1. Lightly toast both slices of bread 2. In a small skillet, heat olive oil and cook Hemp + Greens patty 2-3 minutes on each side until crispy 3. Lather Kite Hill Chive Cream Cheese on both sides 3. Slice up tomato, dice red onion, add spinach 4. Add a drizzle of olive oil, pink salt, pepper 5. DEVOR THE WHOLE THING, and remember to chew.