STACK’D! wild blueberry pancakes with alil honey driiiiizled on top, is how we brunch around here. 💙

Wild Blueberry Pancakes
1 cup of oat flour
1 cup of almond milk
2 tbsp. melted coconut oil
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. vanilla extract
handful of frozen wild blueberries
handful of cacao nibs
handful of hemp seeds
pinch of cinnamon + pink salt
-whisk together the flour, baking powder + salt and set aside.
-in a another mixing bowl, whisk together milk, coconut oil, vanilla ext. pour the liquid mixture into the dry mixture, and stir together.
-now, mix in blueberries, cacao nibs + hemp seeds.
*let batter sit for ~5 minutes *pro tip: this is how they get fluffy.
-heat up your skillet and create your pancake magic!

stack ‘em up, drizzle alil honey, add your desired toppings, give thanks and ENJOY! blueberry pancakes forever hold a special place in my heart. sending y’all love! ✨
